Did you know that young voters make up half of the voting population making us a powerful political force. Every vote counts - even if we feel ours doesn’t. The best way for us to inspire change is to vote and make our voice heard loud. No one else is going to vote in our interest except us. So, if you care about college debt, you should vote. If you care about climate change, you should vote. If you care about women’s reproductive rights and healthcare, you should vote. The more of us who vote, the more they will have to hear us. It is more important now than ever before for us to let our voice be heard loud and vote.
That is why King Youngblood started our MAKE YOUR VOICE HEAR LOUD AND VOTE project during the 2018 midterm election season to register youth voters during a series of performances on the back of a flatbed truck at local high schools and colleges
The project helped register more than 3,000 new voters during the tour which had bipartisan support.
This year, we are hoping to reach more than 500,000 young people. With students mostly studying from home, Make Your Voice Heard Loud and Vote is hosting a 2-night music Fest from famed music venue, The Nectar. Join us to see your favorite Seattle bands and learn how and where you can register to vote before the October 26 deadline.
Friday October 9 - ACOUSTIC NIGHT
King Youngblood
Jaiden Grayson
Acid Tounge
Saturday October 10 - ELECTRIC NIGHT
King Youngblood
Tennis Pro
Naked Giants