hold your crown
Shining a light on youth mental health
Hold Your Crown is a non-profit devoted to eliminating the stigma of mental illness for middle school youth through high school, college and into young adulthood.
Through video, film, social media, live speaking engagements as well as live musical performances nationwide work, Hold Your Crown works to abolish the stigmatized cultural biases young people face when they experience depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, addiction, and in certain cases more extreme mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and bi-polar disorders.
Hold Your Crown was founded by the Seattle based, Black, indigenous People of Color (“BIPOC”) rock band King Youngblood whose members all either have a direct experience with mental illness or have a family member who is impacted. During a band meeting in 2018, they unanimously identified youth mental health as an issue they wanted to support. From that meeting, the nonprofit Hold Your Crown was created and its members have presented to over six hundred high school and college classes in over ten counties on the west coast, many of which were rural or with a large underserved population.
The Hold Your Crown project aims to spread a message of hope and solidarity through their music as well as peer-to-peer speaking engagements in schools, video messages shared through social media, press releases focused on their core message, written materials and merchandise embracing the Hold Your Crown message. All of the members have been trained by NAMI’s End the Silence Programmers and the Hold Your Crown project includes special emphasis to address de-stigmatization within communities of color and immigrant populations.
Hold Your Crown wants fellow young people and their families to know that they are not alone and that the bravest thing they can do is take the courageous step to get help if they have a mental health issue.

our partners
Hold Your Crown’s partners include National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI), the Stability Network, SMASH and the King County Mental Health Court.
Contact us for partnering opportunities.

King County Regional
Mental Health Court
Seattle rock band has message for fans: It's OK to talk about mental health